Raise a Cup to Build a Pump

WATER, it's essential.
And because 884 million people do not have access to clean drinking water, they are dying.

In honor of World Water Day (March 22nd), help us raise funds to support the African Children's Choir and bring fresh water to a Community, a School, and a Hospital in Southern Sudan.

Get involved by taking the water challenge or get your company involved by asking customers to donate a dollar on World Water Day for their tap water.

For every $5 you donate, you give the gift of clean water to 5 people for one year.

Give Water. Give Life.

Monday, March 21, 2011

How are we celebrating World Water Day?

Today is World Water Day and a happy one at that.  Many people have been wondering what we are doing to celebrate.  We wish that we could tell you we are celebrating by being in the Sudan and helping Water Harvest International drill  two wells or that we are about to have a water fight with all the students at Bright Star academy followed by all sitting together and drinking a big glass of clean water, but indeed we will not be doing that either. We are so excited about the success of last years Water on Tap fundraiser on World Water Day

  and we want to respect all that gave and donated by not having another fundraiser until we make good on our current promise and see the drilling of those two wells to completion. We believe we will have an update for y'all very soon on when that will be! We are so excited for the drilling to take place, but in the meantime we want to point you towards some other amazing organizations and people that are doing awesome things to help those all over the world who are still lacking clean water  - http://www.wheelsforwells.org/video/ 

 lastly we are most excited to introduce you to Kendal who has a heart to bring clean water to a village in Kenya. She is 7 and will definitely inspire you!! Check out her facebook page and consider supporting her! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mission-Everyone/142356859156844  
Happy World Water Day everyone! If you have clean water today please don't forget about people all over the world that do not have that luxury. Consider donating to one of the amazing causes that is combating this issue!  

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blessed to Bless Others!

 Happy New Year! 

 "Oh I get by with a little help from my friends."

And get by we have! From the generosity of y'all, Six Feet Under, Octane Coffee and the incredible blessing that is Water Harvest International The African Children's Choir school Bright Star Academy  in the Sudan will be getting two wells in the next few months!! 
 Water Harvest International is an amazing organization and last year when they went and saw the conditions at Bright Star they also felt a need to get involved in  helping us bringing clean water to the children, staff and surrounding community. When we set out we initially thought that it would be difficult to raise the 20,000 that we were quoted for for one well, but through God's divine intervention we were able to meet others that had a similar heart and together we will be able to bless them with two wells! More information to come shortly, but we are so encouraged by y'alls generosity and willingness to help us spread the word. We are overjoyed that Bright Star will soon have two wells pumping clean water! 

Friday, April 16, 2010

Running a luxury - Water a necessity

The other day I went on a run and I passed 5 water fountains. I only ran 7 miles and passed 5!  I can't wrap my brain around the fact that in many developing countries people walk 7 miles just to get to water(often dirty) and here in Atlanta I almost couldn't get away from it. 

Were not sure exactly what got into us but next  weekend Jacquelyn, Nicole and myself  are running the country music marathon (half).   I know personally I am more excited to explore Nashville then I am to run 13.1 miles, but either way it's going to be a good time! 

After we are done i'm sure that we  will want nothing more then a tall glass of water  and a nap. Along the way there will be water stops for us, but for our friends in the Sudan there are no water stops on their journey, no people cheering them on or encouraging them to keep going, no fun music playing and their day just begins once they get water.   So while we are running we will be thinking about that. We will be encouraging eachother to keep going and to run our hearts out for those that don't have the option to go on a joy run because they have to go on a water walk daily.  

We are getting closer to our goal to bring clean water to Sudan and would love for you to consider partnering with us.  Your donation is tax deductible and will change lives for our friends at Bright Star Academy who deserve to drink clean water! 

Friday, March 26, 2010

World Water Day

Water on Tap celebrated World Water Day @ Six feet Under 
March 22, 2010

Water on Tap at Six Feet Under!!  What a fun night!  Thanks to everyone who came out to help raise awareness and funds so that we can build a well in Sudan with The African Children's Choir.  $1 gives someone clean water for a year. I can't imagine a dollar doing anymore good! ! 

World Water Day is just the kick off for a lot of fun events to come! 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Challenge

Since World Water Day is on March 22nd, we'd like to pose a challenge:

The Challenge:
  • One day this month, count the number of times you use water.
  • At the end of the day, donate $1 for every use.
  • A $1 donation provides clean water to 1 person for 1 year!
  • Spread the word and challenge a friend to do the same. (ex. below)
Every time you use water during the challenge, spread the word to friends & family to help "keep it flowing"on Twitter, Facebook, etc

"I've used water 12 times today in the @waterontap challenge. (insert friends name here) Take the challenge, RT, and keep it flowing! http://bit.ly/aqDDXe #water"

Take the challenge. Spread the word. Keep it flowing!

Here's a sample challenge (post yours in the comments):

Brush teeth, wash face, flush, wash hands, laundry, shower, 2 bottles of water, cook dinner, rinse dishes, make tea, etc....

I took the challenge and used water 25 times in one day, donating $25, bringing clean water to 5 families of 5 for one year!

Keep checking www.waterontap.blogspot.com to watch the water $'s rise!

Friday, February 12, 2010

UPBEAT: African Children's Choir

UPBEAT from Erin Levin on Vimeo.

The Grammy-nominated African Children’s Choir has hundreds of thousands of fans across the world, but is lacking an up-to-date 360 view of their story to share.
These precious recording artists are incredibly gifted and their energetic live performances have been life changing. The closest thing to their live music is this up close and personal HD concert footage.

This documentary will empower Music for Life and the African Children’s Choir to continue their rich tradition of sustainable development work and success in uplifting children through sharing the tools to become positive and effective leaders. 
 -- Erin Levin

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What is Water On Tap?

March 22nd is World Water Day

Water On Tap is a month-long endeavor with specific emphasis on World Water Day (3/22) to raise funds in support of *African Children's Choir's efforts to bring clean water to a community, a school, and a hospital in Southern Sudan. 

For the month of March, Six Feet Under Westside (14th street) will be supporting Water On Tap by encouraging customers to donate to this project by donating a "glass of clean water" for $1 or a "well" for $5 that will then be displayed around the restaurant. On world water day both Six Feet Under locations will be encouraging their customers to donate a dollar for their tap water. Six Feet Under will match all in-store donations raised in the month of March. Visit one of Six Feet Under's two Atlanta locations in March to participate, or donate online *here.

For every $5 you donate, you are giving the gift of 5 years of clean water to an individual. 

Give Water. Give Life.

*The African Children’s Choir is a program of Music for Life Institute, a registered charity, having been determined tax exempt under section 501(c)3 by the IRS. All donations are eligible for tax deduction, as allowed by law.