Raise a Cup to Build a Pump

WATER, it's essential.
And because 884 million people do not have access to clean drinking water, they are dying.

In honor of World Water Day (March 22nd), help us raise funds to support the African Children's Choir and bring fresh water to a Community, a School, and a Hospital in Southern Sudan.

Get involved by taking the water challenge or get your company involved by asking customers to donate a dollar on World Water Day for their tap water.

For every $5 you donate, you give the gift of clean water to 5 people for one year.

Give Water. Give Life.

Friday, March 26, 2010

World Water Day

Water on Tap celebrated World Water Day @ Six feet Under 
March 22, 2010

Water on Tap at Six Feet Under!!  What a fun night!  Thanks to everyone who came out to help raise awareness and funds so that we can build a well in Sudan with The African Children's Choir.  $1 gives someone clean water for a year. I can't imagine a dollar doing anymore good! ! 

World Water Day is just the kick off for a lot of fun events to come! 

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