Raise a Cup to Build a Pump

WATER, it's essential.
And because 884 million people do not have access to clean drinking water, they are dying.

In honor of World Water Day (March 22nd), help us raise funds to support the African Children's Choir and bring fresh water to a Community, a School, and a Hospital in Southern Sudan.

Get involved by taking the water challenge or get your company involved by asking customers to donate a dollar on World Water Day for their tap water.

For every $5 you donate, you give the gift of clean water to 5 people for one year.

Give Water. Give Life.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Running a luxury - Water a necessity

The other day I went on a run and I passed 5 water fountains. I only ran 7 miles and passed 5!  I can't wrap my brain around the fact that in many developing countries people walk 7 miles just to get to water(often dirty) and here in Atlanta I almost couldn't get away from it. 

Were not sure exactly what got into us but next  weekend Jacquelyn, Nicole and myself  are running the country music marathon (half).   I know personally I am more excited to explore Nashville then I am to run 13.1 miles, but either way it's going to be a good time! 

After we are done i'm sure that we  will want nothing more then a tall glass of water  and a nap. Along the way there will be water stops for us, but for our friends in the Sudan there are no water stops on their journey, no people cheering them on or encouraging them to keep going, no fun music playing and their day just begins once they get water.   So while we are running we will be thinking about that. We will be encouraging eachother to keep going and to run our hearts out for those that don't have the option to go on a joy run because they have to go on a water walk daily.  

We are getting closer to our goal to bring clean water to Sudan and would love for you to consider partnering with us.  Your donation is tax deductible and will change lives for our friends at Bright Star Academy who deserve to drink clean water! 

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