Raise a Cup to Build a Pump

WATER, it's essential.
And because 884 million people do not have access to clean drinking water, they are dying.

In honor of World Water Day (March 22nd), help us raise funds to support the African Children's Choir and bring fresh water to a Community, a School, and a Hospital in Southern Sudan.

Get involved by taking the water challenge or get your company involved by asking customers to donate a dollar on World Water Day for their tap water.

For every $5 you donate, you give the gift of clean water to 5 people for one year.

Give Water. Give Life.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blessed to Bless Others!

 Happy New Year! 

 "Oh I get by with a little help from my friends."

And get by we have! From the generosity of y'all, Six Feet Under, Octane Coffee and the incredible blessing that is Water Harvest International The African Children's Choir school Bright Star Academy  in the Sudan will be getting two wells in the next few months!! 
 Water Harvest International is an amazing organization and last year when they went and saw the conditions at Bright Star they also felt a need to get involved in  helping us bringing clean water to the children, staff and surrounding community. When we set out we initially thought that it would be difficult to raise the 20,000 that we were quoted for for one well, but through God's divine intervention we were able to meet others that had a similar heart and together we will be able to bless them with two wells! More information to come shortly, but we are so encouraged by y'alls generosity and willingness to help us spread the word. We are overjoyed that Bright Star will soon have two wells pumping clean water! 

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